Choosing your. However, places are so hard. Sometimes we make mistakes by not knowing what is right and what is wrong, because the standards should be exactly the same for the whole beauty industry, but however, the reality is different. The competition is way too high, the demand for beauty is way too great, but at the end of the day, beauty is a pleasure and relaxation, and we all need to make sure it does not turn into a pain treatment!!! How are we choosing our beauty treatments??? 5 simple things draw us to a beautiful place, and I can show you even then how it might go wrong and what you should be aware of, so you enjoy your pampers every time without fail.
1. Hygiene, reputation or recommendation

One of the things which will attract you to walk in to a spa, clinic or a salon, book an appointment online, or even call our beauty therapist, (if they work as a mobile beauty therapist) is the hygiene! Hygiene -Please look for hygiene! Always! If you have ever axed from a therapist, not using gloves, you seriously risk your health by exposing yourself to blood treatment without protection. How about, if the therapist got a little cut on her skin and transferred nasty disease all day today to all her lovely clients while putting herself at the biggest risk? How about a if this keeps going for a few days, few weeks, a few months...??? Would you let blood samples be taken to the hospital, if the nurse has no gloves on? I hope that makes you think next time you choose your beauty treatment place ;) Reputation and recommendation - It's always a good thing to read reviews online or a friend or family member about the best in the area and being on the safe side. But never forget to look at the hygiene yourself or just follow your instincts, so you enjoy your pamper and relaxation. Don't forget the recommendations are not usually from another professional therapist, so keep your eyes open. Your friends might not be aware of these 5 mistakes they could make themselves... I know - tricky ;)
2. Insurance and training

If you choose to go to the salon, spa or a clinic - look for clearly displayed certificates of the therapists doing your services. Always about peace of mind, what they are qualified about, and they are doing treatments they shouldn't do, not being qualified in or even charging you more for a very high experience in the industry, but on certificate they have just finished their training course ;) If you choose to book an appointment online - look for a well-established insurance company. The insurance company is your guarantee that this spa, salon or mobile therapist is qualified. I did see this scenario of the case, as well - displayed logo of an insurance company, but not registered at all ;) Cheeky, isn't it? If you are still concerned, please call the insurance company and double check with them. If something goes wrong with your treatment, you have no one to blame for - it's your fault!!! Why are you risking your own health then, when all you want is to be pampered and looked after????
3. Patch tests

So where to start with that really???
I don't get the point with YOU, as a client, not taking simple caution for your own health. Our bodies change, our therapists use different chemical products on such a delicate area of your body, and you still want your lashes, brows or hair done - NOW!!!
I can see this more and more often these days. I do seriously get at least 3-4 phone calls, emails every single day from people who want to do their lashes without a patch test to be done upfront, and they still do them by therapists not care about their clients HEALTH, but their clients' MONEY - shocking to me!!!
Do you know that you have to have a patch test every 6 months, even if you have done your treatments in the same salon before, but not been there for a while??? Do you know that you have to inform your therapist, if you are under medication, medical treatment, pregnancy, recent surgery, resent broken bone???
The same thing really applies to all tints: brows or lashes, even for your hair.
But when it comes to esthetics or client's comfort - O M G defiantly another blog is coming shortly ...
And again, don't forget it is your choice how you want to look ;)

While I was writing this blog, I saw something on the social media (asked for permission of course to use these photos), which made me come back and add this for you all to be even more careful, when you want to use products on your own at home.
Have you ever tinted your hair at home with a kit bought from the local supermarket? How about a night out and not having time for lash extensions and stick on some strip lashes bought from the same local supermarket ;)
Allergy reaction to hair color at home - 1

While I was writing this blog, I saw something on the social media (asked for permission of course to use these photos), which made me come back and add this to you all to be even more careful when you want to use products on your own at home.
Have you ever tinted your hair at home with a kit bought from the local supermarket? How about a night out and not having time for lash extensions and stick on some strip lashes bought from the same local supermarket ;)
Do you know you have to do the same patch test yourself, as in the salon, and it's on most instructions with a small print, of course?
Well, that's what might happen. The lady in the picture wasn't allergic 5–6 years ago, but unlucky - she did react this time. Who is going to think home a product might be harmful ...
Poor lady, I hope she recovers quickly.
4. Upfront Consultation
Your therapist needs to know you a little bit. It's more important than you think. Not only are you sharing your details in case you need to be contacted, if you are running late or are up-to-date with all the promotions, discounts or events, but also to make sure you will be safe in the treatments they might be giving you. Beauty therapists are not doctors, but they deal with your body parts, and they should be aware of your personal health, so they can adapt your expectations of your current needs. By putting your signature on the consultation card and having a little chat, you are actually securing your safety and more pleasant treatment.
A good therapist will always adapt the treatment and make sure you are comfortable enough, whatever the reason is - been too stressed at work to the last couple of days, couldn't sleep properly, been too hot during the summer holiday and maybe sunburned a little bit - the bond with your therapist and talking to being the key to be safe and relaxed and pampered by your own personal needs.
5. Aftercare

How do you judge if you're going to a good place or not? It's a good place to go back to if you receive after-care every time, even if you have had the same treatment for years as them.
You always have peace of mind if you are being taken care of. If your mobile beauty therapist offers reminders in our busy lives, this is helpful.
Don't be scared when products have been recommended. I know, some therapists can be a bit pushy about selling their products, because they are taking commissions for their sales, but some will make sure you know how to look after yourself and you can prolong the professional treatment you just spend your money and time on and enjoy it in the long term.
These are people who actually care for you. The market is overflowing with products, with companies and sales, but the best thing would be, if you choose to use professional products for home care from a professional brand, you just choose to use and treat yourself in the salon.
Most of the products have small samples to try before buying. Use them! Ask them!
Beauty is about trying and feeling, enjoying and the experience.
Make sure you are spending your time and money on the right places and therapists and never risk your own health and wellbeing. Enjoy your pampering every time.